We've been a plumbing association since 1908, and we owe it all to our members. Our President's Lunch on Friday 13 October gave us the opportunity to celebrate our milestone members, who have been with us for a quarter or even half a century.
We had 6 members reach their 25 Year Milestone Award this year. We were lucky to be joined on stage by Paul McEntee from MacPlumb Plumbing Service ,Tom van der Jeudg from Seaview Plumbing Services, Nick Lucivero from Rehau and Scott Kelly from Scott Kelly Plumbing & Gasfitting. We'd like to also acknowledge Garrard Plumbing and Woodsy's Plumbing Service, who were unable to join us on the day.
We also had four members also reach their 50 Year Milestone Award. It was such an honour to be joined by Glen and Peter Gillard from Gillard Plumbing Service and Ben Harrington from Hindmarsh Plumbing Service. Both Peter and Ben spoke very well to our attendees.
Unfortunately our other 50 Year Milestone Members T G & A V Booker and Tischendorf Plumbing were unable to attend, but we appreciate their incredible loyalty to our organisation.