Last updated 20/11/20 1:30pm
UPDATE | As of 12:01am on Sunday 22 November (Midnight Saturday) the State Government will lift the 6-day South Australian Circuit Breaker.
Please note that Restrictions still apply. Please refer to updates available here.
During the lockdown, essential workers will be able to continue work, safe sanitation plumbing work is considered essential work.
Essential plumbing work includes:
- Clean running water
- Clean sewerage
- Hot water systems
- Maintenance and up keep of the following facilities: aged care, hospitals, supermarkets, service stations and any other work that has been deemed essential.
THAT IS IT FOR NOW. We will continue to provide more information on what is deemed essential work for Plumbers in South Australia.
EVERYONE MUST wear a SAFETY MASK when leaving their home at all times.
ALL construction work will be closed during lockdown, this includes:
- Construction sites
- New builds
- Renovations - that are not deemed an essential work as per above
External Work
It is the responsibility of the plumbing business to ensure contact is made with the client prior to a worker visiting their home to determine whether the person is unwell and/or if they meet the isolation guidance: Australian Government Department of Health coronavirus disease COVID-19 Isolation guidance.
The worker must contact the client via phone to ask the following questions:
- Is there anyone in your household who is in self isolation?
- Is there anyone in your household that has symptoms of COVID-19?
- Has anyone in your household been in contact with a person has COVID-19?
- Has anyone in your household been in a hot spot in the last 7-14 days?
Contact Tracing Link
If the client responds ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, the worker must contact their manager/boss to seek authorisation to complete external work only under strict guidelines.
The worker must communicate the following to the client:
- the client must remain in isolation at all times whilst work is being completed
- all communication between the worker and client is to be made via phone
- payment for work completed must be made by electronic means
- a log of all jobs including times spent, address and list of workers names
The worker must not complete any work inside the client’s house if they respond ‘yes’ to any of the above questions (refer to ‘Internal work’).
The worker must wear the following PPE:
- Full hazmat suit;
- Eye protection;
- N-95 respirator mask;
- Industrial gloves;
- Boot covers.
After leaving the premises, the suit, mask and boot covers should be stored in a sealed plastic bag and discarded appropriately or if re-usable ensure that it is washed in a hot cycle.
Workers should ensure that they wash their hands completely / ensure that they are sanitized.
Tools and equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after use. This includes personal belongings and work equipment such as: tablets, phones and keys.
The cost of this protective material should be passed onto the customer.
If the customer responds ‘no’ to your questions, the workers must still wear the following;
- Eye protection;
- N-95 respirator mask;
- Industrial gloves.
The worker must also follow the guidelines outlined by the Australian Government Department of Health (i.e. social distancing, PPE, sanitization etc.) at all times.
The worker must not complete any work if they feel their health and safety is at risk.
It is the responsibility of the plumbing business to ensure contact is made with the client prior to a worker visiting their home to determine whether the person is unwell and/or if they meet the isolation guidance: Australian Government Department of Health coronavirus disease COVID-19 Isolation guidance.
The worker must contact the client via phone to ask the following questions:
- Is there anyone in your household who is in self isolation?
- Is there anyone in the household that has symptoms of COVID-19?
- Has anyone in your household been in contact with a person has COVID-19?
- Has anyone in your household been in a hot spot in the last 7-14 days?
If the client responds ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, the worker must contact the manager/boss to seek approval to inform the client that it is a high-risk work environment and every attempt should be made to postpone work until the work environment is safe (this may require medical proof from the client).
If the client (elderly, young or any age) has no symptoms of COVID-19 or any other similar symptoms, work may commence (after approval from the manager/boss).
The worker must still wear the following whist completing work:
- Eye protection;
- N-95 respirator mask;
- Industrial gloves.
The worker is required to wear the following PPE at all times:
- Protective clothing / waterproof overalls;
- Respirator with Liquid filter or full-face mask with respirator and liquid filter;
- Boot covers;
- Industrial gloves;
- Any cuts or grazes must be completely covered and sealed;
- Leave mask/respirator and eye protection on at all times;
- Shower with the respirator and eye protection on;
- Fully wash then remove safety googles and respirator.
Tools should be sanitized.
After leaving the premises, the suit, mask and boot covers should be stored in a sealed plastic bag and discarded appropriately.
Strict steps must take place if washing for reuse to avoid contamination. Workers need to make sure they leave boots outside.
The workers should ensure that they wash their hands completely / ensure that they are sanitized.
The cost of this protective material should be passed onto the customer.
Please Note:
- It is important that business owners keep abreast of all Government announcements and updates relating to COVID-19.
- Please monitor the SA Health website for the latest updates.
- This page does not constitute legal advice. Master Plumbers Association of South Australia will not be liable for any recourse or litigation should any business or employee obtain symptoms or closures from the guidelines and information contained in this page.
- If any of the above information is incorrect, Master Plumbers SA will provide correct information as soon as possible.
If you need further clarification after reading the above contact:
- Andrew Clarke - 0438 282 448
- Troy Swan - 0488 909 185
- Demi Hoppo - 0418 885 106
The SA Government direction may require many businesses across the industry to shut down for this period (19th November to Tuesday 24th November inclusive).
Under the Fair Work Act 2009 a business may stand down Employees that cannot be usefully employed due to reasons beyond the Employer’s control. This government direction is considered to be a reason beyond an Employer’s control.
An Employee on stand down is not entitled to payment for this time unless the Employee requests to take their accrued entitlements (such as Annual Leave, RDOs or Long Service Leave). An Employee’s request to take paid leave cannot be unreasonably refused.
Employees on unpaid leave will continue to accrue entitlements as normal (eg. Annual Leave, Personal Leave, Long Service Leave).
Employers currently receiving JobKeeper must continue paying Employees the JobKeeper amount (as a minimum).
For more information visit:
Apprentices will receive JobKeeper payments only, they are able to use their own leave entitlements, however Master Plumbers SA will not enforce apprentices to take their own leave entitlements.
Please keep in mind that JobKeeper payments are fortnightly, if you require a weekly pay, you may need to use annual leave/RDO's.
More information to be provided in a separate email as soon as possible.
If any apprentices will be completing emergency work please sms your Field Officer so they're are aware.
If you need further clarification after reading the above contact:
- Troy Swan - 0488 909 185
All staff will not be in the office for this period.
Please contact the staff mentioned above, alternatively please email for all questions, concerns and for support. We will respond as soon as possible.
If you have any concerning questions and are having trouble contacting our team, please click here.