An introduction to the plumbing trade
Like other business professions, plumbing is a specialist trade. Plumbers are professionals that need specialised training to be able to safely install and repair water, drainage, gas and sewerage systems. Plumbers can also come with areas of specialised training. Some plumbers are your regular home and domestic plumbers that you call when your hot-water-system isn’t working or your tap has sprung a leak. Other plumbers may specialise in civil or industrial plumbing services. Others go on to own their own plumbing service companies.
One thing is for certain, a plumber today is more than the typical guy in overalls carrying a pipe wrench. Professional plumbers need to study plans and specifications to determine the layout of plumbing systems and materials required before they begin installing. And they also install gas lines, gas appliances, flues and pressure regulating devices. It is an exciting and challenging trade, with no limit to the opportunities it can offer.
So how much can a plumber earn?
Whilst money isn’t everything, it’s nice to know as a plumber you have the opportunity to earn a great income doing what you love! The average qualified Plumber in South Australia could earn up to $85,000 per year, depending on skill level and area of specialisation 1.
Plumbing apprentices can earn anywhere from $27,256 to $41,451 annually, with additional overtime and entitlement allowances. Unlike university students who graduate with a degree and often a university fees debt, plumbing apprentices earn while they learn and graduate with a trade.
How do you become a licensed plumber in South Australia?
To become a licensed plumber, you will need to successfully complete a plumbing apprenticeship.
Plumbing apprentices enter into a training contract with an employer to complete industry experience and a training plan with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to complete a nationally recognised plumbing qualification.
Plumbing apprenticeships are highly competitive, so it’s recommended to complete VET in schools or pre-apprenticeship training as well as work experience to help improve your chances of gaining an apprenticeship. If this sounds confusing, don’t worry, organisations such as ours are there to provide you advice on becoming a licensed Plumber.
To apply for an apprenticeship, you will need to find a plumbing employer. A local Group Training Organisation (GTO), like us, employs apprentices and places with host employers to gain on-the-job experience. This is your opportunity to learn directly from qualified plumbers, master real skills required by the industry and apply trade school learnings straight into the workplace.
The best part about being employed by a GTO is that we will provide you with four years job security. Once you’re qualified, you might have the opportunity to stay with your host employer as you’ve built a great relationship with your boss and understand how their business works.
As part of your training plan, we will enroll you into a Certificate III in Plumbing (CPC32413) at an RTO to complete your trade school studies. We also cover your trade school fees, so you won’t have to worry about ending up with a study debt.
We help with finding you the best industry placement, support you in your placement and trade school, and even provide you with safety equipment and tools required for the job.
Once you successfully complete your plumbing apprenticeship and have been issued your certificate, you can then apply for a plumbing licence with
Experienced plumbers can further their trade and career by obtaining training from an RTO for a Certificate IV in Plumbing or Gas Fitting. As an advanced plumber, they can now own their own plumbing business, become a plumbing consultant, or certify and provide technical training to other young plumbers.
Master Plumbers South Australia
In South Australia, Master Plumbers SA is a GTO that employs apprentices and places them with plumbing employers for on-the-job training and experience, while being employed with salary and allowances.
Master Plumbers aims to qualify apprentices today who will become tomorrow’s leading professional plumbers.
1Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman, Please note, stated salaries are to be used as a guide only, and do change over time.